Tuesday 25 March 2014

Social Media Part 2- A waste of time?

It’s been really interesting talking to people about how they use social media. Interesting because the general view of social media amongst musicians seems to be a fairly narrow one, which goes a long way towards explaining how they use it. Or don’t, as the case may be. Now I fully admit that my research has been fairly ad hoc at this stage but the results so far seem to suggest a basic assumption:


But it this really the case?

I would suggest not (well, of course- otherwise we might as well all pack up and go home!) but this flawed formula and its misapplication makes for a fascinating study into how musicians (and I would argue especially classical musicians) are integrating into the 21st century.

By way of example I still have a very strong memory of standing in a lunch queue with another harpist I had just met at the Australian Harp Festival in 2012. I told her the topic of my presentation there (similar to this coming one) to which she replied ‘Who’d be interested in that??!!’ Suitably chastened I took my lunch roll and got back in my box.

So over the next few weeks I’m going to work my way through the ‘Waste of time’ formula to see what lies behind it, all the while examining my own use of social media. Is this really a waste of time?

PS- As an interesting footnote, since really starting to take this Social Media stuff seriously I’ve picked up several new followers, and booked a gig through Facebook. Mmmm, maybe there’s something in this after all…

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