Those who know me know that I love my piles of music. Well,
not necessarily that I love them. I do love it more when my music room
is neat and tidy and the floor is visible, but I also love my sheet music. And
there is a lot of it.
As I’ve said before I buy music the way some women buy
shoes. And yes, I have been known to stand in front of my bulging shelves of
the stuff and declare I simply have nothing to play.
To my credit I have had things under control lately. I had
at long last abandoned the notion that I would find an entire hour to sit, sort
and file and had been taking the Baby steps approach (thanks Flylady!). So with
ten minutes here and ten minutes there I got it done. I was even good enough to
cultivate the habit of putting music back on the shelf when I had finished with
it. Whenever I got excited while teaching and pulled examples and follow on
pieces off the shelf I made myself put it all away. There and then. Radical.
Well, for me at least.
But the piles have regrouped and launched a new attack on my
floor space. In my defence though I have had good reason for not countering their
return. No, really…
It all started with Valentine’s Day. Yes, I know that was a
while ago now but please cut me some slack here. I had a three hour gig for a
Valentine’s Day dinner. That meant three hours of love songs required. My gig
folders already contained a healthy smattering of the soppy stuff, but more was
needed to fill in the time.
This I actually didn’t mind as it meant an opportunity to
revisit some old faves and refresh the folders with something new. For my own
sanity as much as anything. Change is as good as a holiday!
So out came my massive expanding file of love songs and
dedications. Everything from ‘Annie’s Song’ to ‘You’re still the one’. (All the
music is filed alphabetically by title and so I couldn’t quite make it an A-Z
as I don’t own a love song starting with Z. I don’t even know a love song
starting with Z. Anyone?)
I ended up with a goodly collection of charts. The gig went
fine and then there was a huge pile of music to put back. Alphabetically.
‘So’, I reasoned, staring at the pile. ‘There’s a lot there
I really should record soundbites for to put on the website.’ And there was my
way out. I didn’t need to put the music away at that moment
because I could go through it all piece by piece to see if it’s already on the
website. And then determine if it should be on the website. And then either
record it and then file it. Or just file it. Great!
Only I haven’t done any of it.
But I will.